Book More Podcast Interviews with Less Work

Use our application for fast and efficient podcast guest booking

Supercharge Your Podcast Outreach


Precision Matching

Our application analyzes podcast content and guest profiles to find perfect matches, scoring and ranking each opportunity for maximum success (it uses AI, of course).


Automated Pitch Generation

Generate personalized, compelling pitches at scale while maintaining quality and authenticity for each podcast host.


Smart Lead Management

You get a familiar spreadsheet, accessible and sharable with Google Sheets, for efficient lead tracking, collaboration, and campaign management.

Why Choose PitchedBy?

For Booking Agencies

  • ✓ Handle more clients efficiently without sacrificing quality
  • ✓ Reduce manual research time by up to 80%
  • ✓ Priority-driven matching for better booking success rates

For Podcast Guests

  • ✓ Get matched with relevant podcasts that align with your expertise
  • ✓ Professional representation with customized pitches
  • ✓ Faster booking process with automated workflows

How It Works


Create Speaker Profile

Upload a website URL or PDF, and our AI extracts and organizes all relevant information into a professional speaker sheet.


Build a Podcast Lead List

Our AI analyzes content and generates relevant keywords to search a database of 3+ million podcasts for the best podcast leads.


Score and Rank Podcast Leads

Go beyond "eyeballing" podcast webpages, using AI embedding and cosine similarity ranking to find the best podcast matches out of hundreds of leads.


Generate Custom Pitches

Create personalized, compelling pitches automatically for each podcast host, tailored to highlight guest relevance and value.

Improve Your Podcast Booking Process

Join the social media marketing managers who are booking more podcasts with less effort. Contact us for a free trial account.